
  • Plankalkul

    It was designed by Konrad Zuse
    It was designed for enginering purposes
  • Fortran

    It was designed by John Backus.
    It was desgined for numeric computation and scientific computing.

    It was desgined by Charles Katz.
    It was desgined for making the first english buisness data compiler.
  • Lisp

    It was desgined by Steve Russell
    It was desgined for mathmatical notatin for computer programs
  • COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language.)

    It was desgined by Grace Hopper
    It was desgined for Finance, Buisness, and administrative systems for companies and governments.
    It stands for COmmon Business-Oriented Language.
  • RPG

    It was designed by IBM.
    It was designed to replicate punch card prossesing
  • BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

    It was designed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz.
    It was designed for simple programing of mainframes without huge math knowledge.
    It stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • LOGO

    It was desgined by Wally Feurzeig, and Seymour Papert.
    It was desgined for making line graphics on a screen or with a robot called turtle.
  • B

    It was designed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie.
    It was was designed for recursive, non-numeric, machine independent applications.

    It was desgined by Niklaus Wirth.
    It was desgined to teach students programing, it was also used for programing PC games and embedded systems.
  • C (computing)

    It was desinged by Dennis Ritchie.
    Itwas designed to provide low-level access to memory, to provide language constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions, and to requier minimal run time support.
    It stands For Computing.
  • ML (Metalanguage)

    It was desgined by Robin Milner and other people at University of Edinburgh.
    It was desgined for automaticlly infering the rest of phrases.
  • SQL

    It was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce
    It was designed for realtion algebra and tuple realtions calculus
  • ADA

    It was designed by Jean IchbiaH and CII Honeywell Bull.
    It was orginally created for embeded and real time systems.
    It was named ADA for the first programer Ada Lovelance.
  • C++

    It was desgined by Bjarne Stroustrup
    It was desgined for it was a more efficent C
  • Python

    It was designed by Guido van Rossum.
    It was designed for eazy code readability
  • Visual Basic

    It was designed by Microsoft.
    It was designed for it was made to be eazy to learn and use.
  • Java

    It was Desgined by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems.
    It was designed to have as few implementations to make it easies for developers to write code.
  • Javascript

    It was desgined by Brendan Eich
    It was desgined for for web browsers to use client-side scripts to interact with the user.
  • PHP

    It was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf
    It was designed to make a web page html
  • Delphi

    It was desgined Borland
    It was desgined by taking what pascal hade already and changing and adding thins.