

  • Apr 19, 1480

    First drawing of the Submarine

    First drawing of the Submarine
    Leonardo Da Vinci drew the first drawing of a Submarine.
  • Apr 19, 1578

    Drawing plans for the First Submarine

    Drawing plans for the First Submarine
    In 1578 William Borne began drawing plans for a submarine.
  • First Submarine is made.

    First  Submarine is made.
    In 1620 Cornelis Drebbel, a Dutch inventor, built a leather covered rowboat with oars. The oars came out through watertight seals. Twelve people could ride in the submarine.
  • Submarines Today

    Submarines Today
    Todays Submarines have heavy weaponry on them. They can go down hundreds of feet below the surface, as early submarines could only go a few feet. Todays submarines have moretechnological advances and more amour than older ones. Todays submarines also go alot faster, because its being powered by a engine or propellor, not humans strength.