
  • The first Match

    The first Match
    An irish physisist named Robert Boyle coated a peice of paper with phospherous and coated a peice of wood with sulfur and he rubbed the paper and the wood together and made fire.
  • Match Advancement

    A french Chemisist named Charles Sauria created a newer match made of white Phospherous, but people got sick because white phospherous is poisonous
  • Saftey Matches

    Johan Ludstorm made the first saftey match which to be lit needed to be struck on a certain surface so it wouldn't strike a house if someone dropped it.
  • First Non-poisonous Match

    The Diamond match company made the first match that wasn't poisonous. Instead of white phospherous the used sesquisulfide
  • Diamond match company releases their match to the pulic

    President Taft asked the diamond match company to release their matches for the good of mankind.
  • Modern day match

    The modern day match is made of wood or stiff paper with phospherous on it and it has to strike a certain surface to light. The match doesn't really need to be used but it made a large impact on the world.