Cms Owen C

  • Apr 1, 1578

    Invention of the Submarine

    Invention of the Submarine first underwater warship was developed by Leonardo da Vinci. da Vinci kept his plans secret because he didn't want to make war any more terrifying than it already was. In 1578 William Borne began drawing plans for a submarine. His submarine was never built. Borne's submarine worked by using extra tanks which could be filled so the submarine would submerge. The tanks would be emptied for the submarine to surface.
  • Submarines in 1861

    Submarines in 1861
    VILLEROI obtained a contract from the U. S. Navy for a larger submarine: the 46-foot-long "Alligator." Propulsion: originally sixteen oarsmen with hinged, self-feathering oars; improved, a three-foot diameter hand-cranked propeller. Weapon: an explosive charge to be set against an enemy hull by a diver.
  • Submarines in World War One

    Submarines in World War One the eve of World War I all of the major navies included submarines in their fleets, but these craft were relatively small, were considered of questionable military value, and generally were intended for coastal operations. The most significant exception to the concept of coastal activity was the German Deutschland class of merchant U-boats, each 315 feet long with two large cargo compartments. These submarines could carry 700 tons of cargo at 12- to 13-knot speeds on the surface and at seven
  • Submarines Today

    Submarines Today the United States Navy today submarines have a very important role. They are the ones who go ahead of the main fleet of ships to scope out the enemy’s positions. This could be a very tricky task since you had to be very cautious of where you were and where your enemies were. The key for this task was to be very quiet in moving about and to always stay fully submerged. Once the submarine had its enemies on radar, that is when they would alert all of the ships and aircraft in the main fleet abo