• Capitol Dome

    Lincoln had ordered the capitol dome to continue being built during the war to show a symbol that the union would go on.
  • fall of Richmond

    Richmond Virginia fell to the Confederate states of America.
  • Surender

    General Robert Lee surrendered his army of northern Virginia.
  • Lincoln speech

    President Lincoln stood on the Executive Mansion balcony and gave an unexpected speech.
  • Parade

    The people of the north celebrated the fall of Richmond with many ways including a torchlight parade. Lincoln delivered a long speech to over a thousand people.
  • Grand illumination

    They had a Grand Illumination with lights to celebrate the end of the war.
  • DEAD

    Lincoln shot in the head by Booth.
  • planning

    Booth found out that Lincoln was seeing a play and started scheming.
  • Get together

    Booth gathered his fellow conspirators to kill Lincoln.