History of climate change

  • Joseph Fourier found `greenhouse effect"

    Joseph Fourier found `greenhouse effect"
    French physicist Joseph Fourier found greenhouse effect.
    He wrote, the temperature can be increased by the interposition of the atmosphere.
  • John Tyndall found the main ingredients of greehouse effect

    John Tyndall found the main ingredients of greehouse effect
    Irish physicist John Tyndall pointed out that vapour ,carbon dioxide ,ozone and methane product the greenhouse effect.
  • Savante Arrhenius mentioned the relation between temperature and carbon dioxide

    Savante Arrhenius mentioned the relation between temperature and carbon dioxide
    Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius said if atmospheric CO2 are double, temperature will rise 5or6 degrees in the future.
  • Guy Callendar reported that temperatures had risen

    Guy Callendar reported that temperatures had risen
    British engineer Guy Callendar reported that temperature and CO2 had risen over the previous century.
  • Charles David Keeling started measurement of atmospheric CO2

    Charles David Keeling started measurement of atmospheric CO2
    Charles David Keeling started measurement of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa inHawaii and in Atarctica.
  • IPCC organized

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) organized to cillate and judge evidence on climate change.
  • IPCC made first assessment report

    IPCC made first assessment report. It reports that temperatures have risen by 0.3~0.6 degrees over the last century.
  • At the Earth Summit in Rio de janeiro, governments approve the United Framework Convention on climate change

    At the Earth Summit in Rio de janeiro, governments approve the United Framework Convention on climate change
    At the Earth Summit in Rio de janeiro, governments approve the United Framework Convention on climate change.Its purpose is `stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system"
  • Kyoto Protocol was approved

    Kyoto Protocol was approved
    Kyoto Protocol was approved. Deveroped countries promised that reduce emissions by an average 5%by the period 2008~2012.
  • Half a century after beginning observation at Mauna Loa, CO2 concentrations have risen

    Half a century after beginning observation at Mauna Loa, CO2 consentrations have increasedfrom315 parts per million (ppm) in 1958 to 380ppm in 2008.
  • 192 governments called for the UN climate summit in Copenhagen

    192 governments called for tha UN climate summit in Copenhagrn, but they left only with a controversial political declaration, the Copenhagen Accord.
  • China catch up with the US

    China catch up with the US
    China catch up with the US as the world's biggest greenhouse gas emitter.
  • Human population reached seven billion

    Human population reached seven billion.
  • Arctic sea ice arrived a minimum extent

    Arctic sea ice arrived a minimum extent
    Arctic sea ice arrived a minimum extent of 3.41 million sq km , a record for the lowest summer cover since satellite measurements began in 1979.
  • Humans are the `dominant cause " of global warming

    The first part of the IPCC's fifth assessment report showed that scientists are 95% that humans are the `dominant cause" of global warming since the 1950s.
  • Australia is drying out thanks to our emissions

    Australia is drying out thanks to our emissions
    http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn25887#.U8p1LhaCjuh *summary
    Australia is drying out and the main factor is human.Thomas Delworth and Fanrong Zeng showed average annual rainfall in south-western Australia will drop by about 40 percent. *reflection
    I think this problem is related not only Australia but the whole world. In japan, the quantity of water-storage is reducing. Water is necessary to live , because we should not wast it and have to use it carefully.
  • The business cost of climate change: what the science says

    The business cost of climate change: what the science says
    http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2014/jul/14/business-cost-risks-climate-change-science *summary
    Honda lost more than $250m in 2011,when an auto assembly plants in Thailand flooded during an especially heavy rainy season. According to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, climate risk threat to business in acurrent or future. *reflection
    I think if abnormal weather continue,industry, our health will be damaged than now. we should think seriously about climate change and take action something to avoid that immediately.
  • Robinson wins top UN job on climate change

    Robinson wins top UN job on climate change
    http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/robinson-wins-top-un-job-on-climate-change-30431155.html *summary
    Mary Robinsom who was former president in Irish has been chosen the UN's special envoy for climate change. She was special Envoy for the Great Lakes region of Africa,and she has accepted the role. She emphasises the urgency of action on climate change from a people's angle. *reflection
    I think it is good. She has been active for climate change. Climate justice is bold policy, but it wii bring a drive, I think she will play an important role in preventing climate change.