13 months Physical
may stand erect with only sight supportmay stand alone without support for a short time -
15 months cognitive
explores different features of objects as if studying them. may use sounds to indicate specific objects -
16 month physical
walks fast and runs stiffly.wals into ball;unable to kicj the ball -
cognitive 17 months
remombers where objects belong. enjoys working with shapeson form board. -
physical 19 months
walks sideways and backwards. Walks up and down stairs -
21 months cognitive
can remember familiar objects without seenig them. Interested in tiny things such as bugs -
22 months physical
bounces sways in simple dancing movements -
23 months cognitive
identifies familiar objects on tv screen. Recognizes when objects are upside down -
24 months physical
plays with swing, ladders, and other playground equipment -
28 months cognitive
becomes interested in childrens tv show. can follow two step command -
31 months physical
enjoys games involving running. wlaks on tippy toes. eats with a fork. -
35 month cognitive
becomes more skilled in putting together puzzles. vocabulary increases from 500 to 900-1000 words