Clara Barton Became a Teacher
Clara Barton felt the need to be more useful as a teenager. At the age of 15, she became a teacher. She opened a free public school in New Jersey. -
Clara Barton Sets up a School
Clara Barton sets up one of the first public schools. She located it in Bordentown, New Jersey. At first, there were a few students who attended her school, but then the size grew. The original 6 kids that attended the school, that grew to about 600 kids. -
Clara Barton Works at the U.S. Patent Office
Clara Barton works as a clerk at this office. She is known to be one of the first women to hold a U.S. government job. She even gets the same amount of money as males would get. However, since she's a women, they kept her as a copyist. -
The Civil War and how Clara Contributes
The Civil War started on this day. After the Battle of Bull Run, Clara makes an agency to distribute supplies to the Union soldiers. She cares for men on the battlefield. She is nicknamed "Angel of the Battlefield". -
Clara Barton is Appointed
Clara Barton is named the head of the General Correspondent for the Friends of Paroled Prisoners. President Abraham Lincoln appointed her to this organization. This organization was to respond to requests of the missing soldiers families and friends. The organization would then try and locate them with verious sources. -
Travels to Europe
Clara Barton travels to Europe. She gets involved with the International Red Cross while the Franco-Prussian War was going on. She then returns to the United States after a few years. -
The International Red Cross
The International Red Cross wants Clara Barton to start up the American Red Cross. At the same time, there was a crisis in Florida. There was yellow fever in spreading in Florida and Clara tends to those who are affected. -
The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross was an organization founded by Clara Barton. It was an organization like the International Red Cross that helped those who were injured or sick. The American Red Cross was founded in Washington D.C. -
Sea Island Hurricane
The Sea Island Hurricane struck Savannah, Georgia and some parts of South Carolina. Most of the people living there at the time were African Americans. This was one of the deadliest hurricanes in US history. There were 2,000 dead and 20,000 left homeless. Clara Barton and her Red Cross team helped those homeless and injuried people. -
Clara Barton Publishes a Book
Clara Barton was also an author. She wrote several books. One book she made was titled The Red Cross in Peace and War.