
Clara Barton

  • Birth

    Clara was born in Massachetts on Christmas day.
  • Resumed career

    Resumed career
    Clara travels to Hightown, New Jersey to resume her teaching career after a break.
  • Founded

    On this date Clara Barton founded one of the very first public schools in Bordentown, New Jersey.
  • Job

    Clara works for patient office after her job as a teacher
  • Starts helping

    Starts helping
    Starts helping the wounded and set up a center to care for wounds
  • Soldiers

    Clara helps wounded soldiers the get hurt during war. "If I can't be a solider, i'll help a soldier"
  • Near Death

    Near Death
    Clara is nearly killed while on the battle field heling care for the wounded soldiers
  • Red Cross

    Red Cross
    Clara Barton first learns about the red cross
  • Founded

    Clara Barton forms the red cross at 60 years old and becomes the 1st red cross president, serving as president until 1904
  • Growing

    1881-1889 :The red cross grows over the years and helps relieve many from floods, earthquakes , fires , droughts and more
  • Book

    Clara writes a book about her work and experiences with the red cross.
  • Death

    Clara Barton dies at her house in Glen Echo, Maryland