
Morgan's Church History TImeline

  • 500

    The East and West Began to Drift Apart

    The East and West Began to Drift Apart
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 600

    CIvilizing the Barbarians

  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Jan 1, 700

    West Not Doing Well

  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to

    Islam Defeated Twice

  • Jan 1, 717

    Willibrord (Monk) Preaches to Vikings

    Willibrord (Monk) Preaches to Vikings
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Jan 1, 1100

    West couldn't Speak Latin

  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Feb 2, 1212

    The Reconquista

  • Period: Jan 1, 1040 to Jan 1, 1050

    Western Church is at it's Low

  • Jan 1, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
  • Jan 1, 1095

    Pope Urban II Declares Holy War (Crusades)

    Pope Urban II Declares Holy War (Crusades)
  • Jan 1, 1099

    French + Italian Crusaders Get Jerusalem

    French + Italian Crusaders Get Jerusalem
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Schools Expanded into Levels of Learning

    Schools Expanded into Levels of Learning
  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Jan 1, 1200

    Revival of Economy, etc.

  • Jan 1, 1122

    Concordat of Worms

    Concordat of Worms
  • Jan 1, 1140

    Church of St. Dennis Rebuilt

    Church of St. Dennis Rebuilt
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Universities began Developing

    Universities began Developing
  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to Jan 1, 1300

    Church has been Transformed

  • Jan 1, 1209

    Saint Francis founded the Franciscans

    Saint Francis founded the Franciscans
  • Jan 1, 1215

    St. Dominic Founded the Dominicans

    St. Dominic Founded the Dominicans
  • Period: Jan 1, 1225 to Jan 1, 1274

    Life of Thomas Aquinas

  • Aug 1, 1294

    Celestine V elected Pope

    Celestine V elected Pope
  • Dec 1, 1294

    Celestine V Resigns

    Celestine V Resigns
  • Jan 1, 1295

    Boniface VIII elected Pope

    Boniface VIII elected Pope
  • Jan 1, 1295

    Boniface VIII dies

    Boniface VIII dies
  • Jan 1, 1305

    Clement V elected Pope

    Clement V elected Pope
  • Period: Jan 1, 1305 to Jan 1, 1378

    7 French Popes Resigned from Avignon

  • Period: Jan 1, 1347 to Jan 1, 1350

    Black Death

  • Jan 1, 1371

    Gregory XI elected Pope

    Gregory XI elected Pope
  • Jan 1, 1377

    Gregory XI returns to Rome

    Gregory XI returns to Rome
  • Jan 1, 1378

    Urban XI elected Pope

    Urban XI elected Pope
  • Jan 1, 1378

    Clement VII elected Pope

    Clement VII elected Pope
  • Jan 1, 1389

    Pope Urban VI dies

    Pope Urban VI dies
  • Jan 1, 1394

    Pope Clement VII dies

    Pope Clement VII dies
  • Jan 1, 1404

    Innocent VII elected as Pope

    Innocent VII elected as Pope
  • Jan 1, 1406

    Gregory XII elected as Pope

    Gregory XII elected as Pope
  • Jan 1, 1409

    Alexander V elected as Pope at Pisa

    Alexander V elected as Pope at Pisa
  • Jan 1, 1410

    Alexander V dies suddenly

    Alexander V dies suddenly
  • Jan 1, 1410

    John XXIII elected Pope

    John XXIII elected Pope
  • Period: Jan 1, 1414 to Jan 1, 1418

    Council of Constantine met - all 3 popes resigned

  • Jan 1, 1418

    WESTERN SCHISM ENDS - Election of Martin V as Pope

    WESTERN SCHISM ENDS - Election of Martin V as Pope
  • Pope Gregory the Great Elected

    Pope Gregory the Great Elected
  • Charlemagne Became King of the Franks

    Charlemagne Became King of the Franks
  • Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor
  • Otto I Becomes Holy Roman Emperor

    Otto I Becomes Holy Roman Emperor
  • Charlemagne's Rule Ends

    Charlemagne's Rule Ends
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1100

    The Papacy was a Prize of Roman Families Rather than a Holy Office

  • Period: to Jan 1, 1000

    Storm Brewing Between East and West