Civil Wars

By satvrne
  • Period: to

    First Civil War

  • Period: to

    contradictory government

    issues between the parliament and the king
  • Solemn League and Covenant

    Solemn League and Covenant
    • Reformation, and defence of Religion
    • Honor and Hapiness for the King, and peace, safety for Scotlanf, England and Ireland
  • A Directory for The Publique Worship of God

    A Directory for The Publique Worship of God
    retreat of the common Book prayer
  • Marston Moor battle

    Royalists again Parlementarism army
    Parliament won the battle
  • Battle of Naseby

    Battle of Naseby
    Parliament won gain against the Royalist
  • Reformation accomplished for the Scottish people

    No book of common prayer, Calendar, Easter and Christmas abolished.
    To Presbyterian system
  • King is held prisoner by the Scots

  • The Putney Debates

    The Putney Debates
    debate at the Putney church
    Christianity must be wanted and not imposed
  • King escaped from Hampton palace

    He then tried to restart a war
  • The King's trial

    The King's trial
    Either capitulate the King and bring him back under his own terms or remove him
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    Second civil war

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    Cromwell's army defeat the Royalist

    At Preston
    It ends the 2nd Civil War
  • Pride's Purge

    Soldiers prevented Members of Parliament considered hostile to the New Model Army from entering the House of Commons in England.
    It was possible thanks to Charle's execution
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    The Rump Parliament

    It is what remains of the Long Parliament after the Pride's Purge
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    The Commonwealth of England was a regime established in England after the execution of Charles I.
    -> England & Wales & Ireland & Scotland
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    Oliver Cromwell is Head of State

    He was one of the main signatories on Charles I's death warrant. After the execution of King Charles I, Cromwell led the Commonwealth of England.
  • Charles I public execution

    Charles I public execution
    The King is judged guilty of high trahison by the Court of Justice
  • England becomes a Republic

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    Third Civil War