220px william iii landing at brixham  torbay  5 november 1688

Civil War to the Glorious Revolution

  • 1625

    King Charles I became king. He also tried to govern according to divine right.
  • 1628

    Petition of Rights
    In England people forced King Charles to sight the Petition of Rights
  • 1642

    English Civil War begins
  • 1646

    Parliament gains all of the control of the government
  • 1647

    Charles I is executed. Marital law, rule by the military.
  • 1658

    Richard Cromwell's father died and he took over the government when he died
  • 1660

    Parliament brings back the monarchy: Charles II crowned king (The Restoration)
  • 1685

    James II takes power, absolutism returns
  • 1688

    William and Mary take power, Glorious Revolution
  • 1689

    English Bill of Rights passed