Civil war Timelines

By nliu348
  • Kansas Nebraska Act.

    Kansas Nebraska Act.
    The act repealed the Missouri compromise paving way for acrimonious and violent confrontations on the issue. Passions become inflamed and positions harden
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    The nations is exposed to the man who would later become the president. He is known to think the a slave and a free state cannot exists as singular. Link to the description the debates and why they became visible
  • John Brown's raid

    John Brown's raid
    John Brown was a militant antislavery activist who not only practiced violence but favored it. His increasingly militant acts served as warnings the proslavery side how potentially violent the fight could become
  • Election of Lincoln

    Election of Lincoln
    Now the man known to have doubted the future of slavery ascends to power and Southerners regardless of assurances he offers are completely convinced that he was going to end their way of life
  • The Battle of Fort Sumter

    The Battle of Fort Sumter
    In reaction to Lincoln's election, Southerners turn the south into a land foreign to the US by turning back supplies to the federal army stations. Lincoln reacts by forcefully resupplying them and it is here that the first shots are fired into what eventually becomes the civil war