1st Battle o f Bull Run
- Union army suffers a defeat
- Confederate generaal Thomas J. Jackson earns the nickname Sonewall -President Lincoln realize it was going to be a long battle.
Emancipation Proclamation
Period: to
54th Massachusetts
-Assault Fort Wagner, South Carolina
-Lead by Col. Robert G. Shaw
-half of the 600 men were killed -
Surrender at Appomattox
-General Robert E. Lee surrenders his Confederate army to general Ulysses S. Grant.
- Allows rebel officers to keep their sidearms and permits soldiers to keep horses and mules. -
Election of 1864
-Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson.
-They both were running for President and Lincoln was running for his second term.
-11 Confederate states didn't participate in the election only 25 states did. -
Period: to
Sherman's March
- Purpose of the march was to tighten George's civilian population until abandoning the Confederate cause.
- Stole food and livestock and burned the houses of people who tried to fight back.