Lincoln elected to the Presidency
- The southern states did not want Lincoln to be President 2. the south left the united states https://www.ducksters.com/biography/uspresidents/abrahamlincoln.php
Fort Sumter
- First battle of the civil war 2.it was the shortest in the civil https://www.ducksters.com/history/battle_of_fort_sumter.php
Battle of Bull Run
- was the first major battle of the civil war 2., people in the north thought they would win and they took a picnics and watched from a hill https://www.ducksters.com/history/civil_war/first_battle_of_bull_run.php
Battle of anitetam
1.The north won the south retreated. 2.Great Britain and France continued to no recognized the confederacy as a nation. https://www.ducksters.com/history/civil_war/battle_of_antietam.php -
The Emanciation Proclamation
1.only about 50,000 out of 4,000,000 slaves were set free. 2.Lincoln felt like he needed a major in order to have the full support behind the emanciation. https://www.ducksters.com/history/emancipation_proclamation.php -
Battle of Gettysburg
- in June Lee began moving north with an army of 75,000 2.Battle of Gettysburg began when union cavalry surprised rebel in fantry raiding the town for shoes https://www.ducksters.com/history/battle_of_gettysburg.php
Siege Of Vickburg
1.The leader of the confederates was general john pemberton who comaned the south army. 2.The city of vicksburg is located on the missisipi river. https://www.ducksters.com/history/civil_war/siege_of_vicksburg.php -
Gettysburg Address
1.one of Lincoln speech is this nation,under god shall have new birth of freedom 2.this whole Gettysburg Address is to believe https://www.ducksters.com/history/battle_of_gettysburg.php -
Sherman's March (to the sea)
!.destroy anything useful to the south 2.man's army began the historic "march to the sea" to Savannanh, Georgia https://www.ducksters.com/history/shermans_march_to_the_sea.php -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
- war caused million's of dollars of damage most of it in the south 2.Jefferson Davis, was captured in Georgia on may 10
Assassination of Lincoln
1.Lincoln died there a few hours late,without ever regaining consciousness 2.on April,14,1864,President and Mrs.Lincoln attended the play our american cousin at ford's