Civil War Timeline

By jc17
  • Period: to

    Civil war timeline

  • Lincoln is elected president

    Lincoln is elected president
    Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of the United States over a deeply divided Democratic Party, becoming the first Republican to win the presidency.
  • Confederate States of America is formed

    Confederate States of America is formed
    representatives from South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana met in Montgomery, Alabama, with representatives from Texas arriving later, to form the Confederate States of America.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 13, 1861
  • President Lincoln declares a blockade of Southern ports

    President Lincoln declares a blockade of Southern ports
    In less than a week, the Union began its blockade of the southern states in an effort to prevent the trade of goods, supplies, and weapons between the Confederacy and other nations.
  • First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

    First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)
    the first major battle of the American Civil War. The battle was fought on July 21, 1861, in Prince William County, Virginia, just north of the city of Manassas and about thirty miles west-southwest of Washington, D.C.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The fighting took place in southwestern Tennessee, which was part of the war's Western Theater. The battlefield is located between a church named Shiloh and Pittsburg Landing, which is on the Tennessee River.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    23,000 soldiers were killed, wounded or missing after twelve hours of savage combat on September 17, 1862. The Battle of Antietam ended the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia's first invasion into the North and led Abraham Lincoln to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    officially Proclamation 95, was a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by United States President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, during the Civil War.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    President Lincoln delivered the 272 word Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863 on the battlefield near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
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    Sherman’s March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea was a military campaign of the American Civil War conducted through Georgia from November 15 until December 21, 1864, by William Tecumseh Sherman, major general of the Union Army.
  • 13th amendment to Constitution

    13th amendment to Constitution
    The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
  • Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

    Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
    Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address was delivered on March 4, 1865, during the final days of the Civil War and only a month before he was assassinated.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    Surrender at Appomattox Court House
    The Battle of Appomattox Court House, fought in Appomattox County, Virginia, on the morning of April 9, 1865, was one of the last battles of the American Civil War.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865