
civil war timeline 2

  • The Dread Scott Trial

    The Dread Scott Trial
    Dred Scott went to trial to sue for his freedom from slavery.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was a package of five separate bills passed by the United States Congress
  • John Brown Harpers Ferry

    John Brown Harpers Ferry
    John Brown and several followers seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry
  • fort sumter fierd upon in

    fort sumter fierd upon in
    fort Sumter was fired on by the south which started the civil war
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    The Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle of the Civil War.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation is issued that all slaves in rebellious states were freed. It was a turning point into the war which made the war be a battle for human freedom.
  • Battle of Antiem

    Battle of Antiem
    Also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg. It was the bloodiest day of the American Civil War.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    One of the most brilliant military campaigns by the Union Army forcing the Confederacy to surrender Vicksburg.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    It stopped Gen. Lee's advance thru the north. It was the bloodiest battle of the war.
  • Battle of Missionary Ridge

    Forced the Confederates to retreat to Georgia.
  • XIIIth Amendment

    This Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude except as a punishment for a crime.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    The surrender of the Confederacy at Appomattox Courthouse allowed for the Union army to redistribute forces to take back the south.
  • Abraham Lincoln's assassination

    Abraham Lincoln's assassination
    Abraham Lincoln assassinated by well-known stage actor John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865
  • Reconstruction Act 1867

    The Reconstruction Act of 1867 was a series of statutes meant to help readmit the southern states into the Union.
  • Reconstruction Act of 1867

  • Andrew Johnson's impeachment

    Andrew Johnson's impeachment
    Andrew Johnson had long wanted to dismiss the Secretary of War, Edwin M Stanton but congress forbidd him to dismiss Andrew to fire Edwin and when he did congress impeached him.
  • Election of 1876

    Election of 1876
    Samuel Tilden outpolled Ohio's Rutherford Hayes in the popular vote and had 184 electoral votes to Hayes 165 with 20 votes uncounted.