Civil War Timeline

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    Missouri Compromise

    Main was declared a free state and Missouri was added as a slave state, this happened under the rule of Henry Clay.
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    Santa Fe Trail

    The Santa Fe Trail was one of the few old Native American trails that led the settler to the west coast.
  • San Felipe de Austin

    It took place mainly in 1825 and it was established in 1815 by Stephen F. Austin, And it was made possible because land was very cheap in Texas at the time but Americans later outnumbered Mexicans in Texas 10 or 1.
  • Mexico abolishes slavery

    This was a significant problem to Texas because they relied heavily on trade to support their economy.
  • Oregon Trail

    Streched from Independence missouri to Oregon City, The first travelers where two men named Marcus and Naricca. It proved that a covered wagon could in fact travel on the Oregon trail with ease.
  • Manifest Destiny

    It was the push westward and the settlers named this immagration west the Manifest Destiny