Fort Sumter
This attack was done on April 12th and ended just the next day. It was the mark of the beginning of the Civil war. South Carloina demanded that the U.S abandon the facilities and this was all led by Gen. P.G.T Beauragard. Major Anderson was guarding the fort but eventually evacuated and let it go . -
Period: to
Civil War
First Bull Run
The battle tooko place on July 21st. It was the first major battle of the Civil War. The Confederates had conquered but they were extremely disorganized near the end of the fighting. -
Hampton Roads
The battle began March 8th and ended the next day. This marked the beginning of war on the sea. Ironclad warships were now being put to use and it made the fighting much more intense and more devastating. There was never really an "end" to this battle but there was not a lot of damage done to the VIrginia nor the Monitor. -
The battle begon on April 6th and ended the next day. This was a confederate attck that had failed . The confederates fell back giving the victory to the Union once again. -
Battle of Antietam
Began on September 16th and ended on the 18th was the Battle of Antietam. This battle was fought mostly between Lee and McCllelan . It was considered the bloodiest batttle of the Civil War. There was no clear victory in this but some say it was the Union because of their great strategies. -
Battle of Fredericksburg
The battle began December 11th and ended three days later on December 15th . This battle was considered a one-sided battle because of the serious defeat the Union took. The Union army suffered 12,653 casualties, and this battle was considered a huge win for the Confederacy. -
This battle began April 30th and ended on May 6th. It was considered to be one of Lee's best battles with a lot of effort put in. In the end Stonewall Jackson was severely wounded which was a huge advantage to the Confederacy along with their win. -
Siege of Vicksburg
This battle had begn May 18th and did not end until July 4th. Vicksburg had surrendered and was conquered by the Union. Grant had successfully split the Confederacy into 2 halfs. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The battle of Gettysburg began on July 1, 1863 and ended on July 3, 1863. The battle took place on cemetery hill and little round top. The Union ended up defeating the Conferacy. -
Began september 18th and ended two days later on the 20th. Confederates strategized to make another desperate attack, This time the Confederates came out on top and took victory after these two intense days of battle. -
The ballt of the Wilderness had began on the 5th and ended two days later, on the 7th. The Union attacked the Confederacy on Orange Turnpike and the battle was very fierce throughout the entire thing. In the end, Grant had not retreated. -
Battle of Spotsylvania
This battle began on May 8, 1864 and ended on May 21, 1864. The Union was attempting to get the Confederates off of Laurel Hill because they were blocking the Spotsylvanie Court House. At the end, Lee had not fallen into Grant's trap. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
Sherman;s March officially begna on November 15th and it did not end until December 21, more than a month after it had began. The Union had captured the Port of Savannah and that is where that battle ended. A lot of damage was done, even to civilian property but the Union came out on top. -
Siege of Petersburg
This battle only lasted one day, April 2nd. Grant had succesfully captured Richmond . That had been the main struggle in the Civil war and it led to the fall of Richmond, the confederate capital. -
Lincoln’s Assassination
Lincoln was shot at ford theatre on April 14, 1865. it was not until the next morning that he died from the wound. John Wilkes Booth was the man that shot Lincoln during the show, and it is said that he may have been paid to do the deed.