Civil War Timeline

By lexnamy
  • Fort Sumter

  • Lincoln calls 75,000 volunteers for 90 days

  • Robert E. Lee resigns for U.S. Army

  • CSA moves capital from Montgomery, AL, to Richmond, VA (most powerful Southern state)

  • Britain declares its neutrality

  • First Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas

  • Lincoln calls in 500,000 troops

  • Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan top general

  • Grant victories in Tennessee Fort Henry, Fort Donelson

  • Ironclads - Monitor vs. Merrimack (Virginia) - Naval warfare changed forever

  • Battle of Shiloh

  • Battle of Shiloh

  • Fall of New Orleans, largest Confederate city, control of lower Mississippi

  • Lee takes command of Army of Northern VA

  • Seven Days' Battle (UNION WINS)

  • Second Bull Run

  • Second Bull Run - ENDS

  • Battle of Antietam, MD,

  • Lincoln announces his intention of Emancipation Proclamation

  • Lincoln fires McClellan, hired Burnside

  • Battle of Fredericksburg, VA

  • Emancipation Proclamation

  • Lees army enters Pennskey Ivnia

  • Battle of Gettysburg

  • Battle of Gettysburg- ENDS

  • Pickets charge did not succeeded Union won

  • Siege of Vicksburg General Grant succeeds

  • Draft Law Riots

  • 5th Regiment attacks Fort Wagner

  • Fort Wagner Mass 54th

  • Gettysburg Adress

  • Lincoln appoints Grant as head of Union Army

  • Union Army marched into Richmond

  • Lee surrender at the Appomattox court house

  • Battle of Wilderness

  • Cold Harbor

  • Sherman toke Atlanta

  • Death of Peter Vredenburgh JR.

  • Lincoln Re-elected

  • Sherman Burns Atlanta

  • 13th amendment -ending all slavery

  • Lincolns Assassination