Slothicorn rex

civil war time line

  • First issue of the liberator

    First issue of the liberator
    it was abolitionist newspaper founded by William Loyd garrison and Isaac knap
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    senator Henry Clay introduced a series of resolutions in an attempt to seek a compromise
  • Uncle Toms cabin published

    Uncle Toms cabin published
    a book telling about slavery and how nasty it could be
  • Kansas & Nebraska act passed

    Kansas & Nebraska act passed
    allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery
  • Dred Scott decision

    Dred Scott decision
    the case was about a slave that free state
  • James buchanan

    James buchanan
    he was our 15th president
  • Abe Lincoln is president

    Abe Lincoln is president
    Abe Lincoln was elected president and yeah
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    although Lincolns election was fair it nonetheless pushed the deep south toward session
  • Battle of fort Sumter

    Battle of fort Sumter
    The battle of fort Sumter was the bombardment and surrendered
  • battle of bull run

    battle of bull run
    the first major battle of the civil war
  • emancipation proclomation

    emancipation proclomation
    The proclamation declared that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are and henceforward shall be free.
  • Battles of gettysburg

    Battles of gettysburg
    a war fought around the town of gettysburg
  • battle of gettysburg

    battle of gettysburg
    they fought around Gettysburg
  • john browns raid

    john browns raid
    John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was an effort by white abolitionist
  • Sherman's march to the see

    Sherman's march to the see
    A movement of the Union army troops of General William Tecumseh Sherman from Atlanta Georgia to the Georgia seacoast
  • the surrender at appln

    the surrender at appln
    Lee's Army of Northern Virginia before it surrendered to the Union Army under Lt. Gen