Civil War Events

  • Confederacy was formed

    Confederacy was formed
    The confederate states consisteing of 7 southeren states was formed. This was the main opposition to the Union during the Civil war. This marked the beginning of the conflicts betweeen the Nroth and the South.
  • Lincoln sworn in as President

    Lincoln sworn in as President
    Lincoln was first sworn in as President of the United States. By the time he was voted into office, seven states had already seceded from the Union. Many southern states did not agree with his Presidency and was a factor in their secession.
  • Fort sumter was attacked

    Fort sumter was attacked
    Fort Sumter in South Caroline was attacked by Confederate troops marking the beginning of the War. Confederatee troops bombarded the Fort leading to a surrender 34 hours thereafter. This was the beginning of the war that lasted from 1861-1865.
  • Moniter vs Merrimack

    Moniter vs Merrimack
    Two ironclad ships by the name of USS Moniter and USS Merrimack battle. This battle usher in a new era of naval warfare. The battle renders wooden ships obselete to make the Civil War the first battle between ironclad ships,
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    Confederate troops surprise Union troops at the town of Shiloh. The Confederate troops forced them back until they formed a line called the Hornet's nest and held their own. The ensuing battle caused 26,000 deaths and became the bloodiest battle of the time.
  • Roberrt E Lee becomes the General of the Army of Northern Virginia

    Roberrt E Lee becomes the General of the Army of Northern Virginia
    Robert E Lee, after denying Lincoln to lead the Union army, becomes the leader of the Army of Northern Virginia.Robert E Lee was one of the most effective Generals of the Civil War. This was a turning point as he led the Confederacy to multiple victories.
  • Antietam

    the Battle of Antietam occurs in Maryland, being the first major battle on Union soil. This battle took the lives of over 22,000 men. This battle gave Lincoln enough political advantage to make the Emancipation Proclamation. This was one of the biggest battles of the war.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was issued. This effectively prohibited slavery in all US territories. This also allowed the enlistment of black soldiers in the army. This effectively made the war about slavery.
  • First Draft

    First Draft
    Congress passes the first military draft. This made it so anyone must serve if not able to pay 300$ or find a substitute. This draft was also racially unbias.The draft effectively changed war for years to come as many more happened after.
  • Gettysburg

    Gettysburg si won by the Union being the bloodiest battle thusfar. Gettysburg is the stop of Confederates in the North and as far as they got. 51000 deaths occured at the battle. This was one of the biggest blows toward the Confederates.
  • Vicksburg

    Grant's army takes control of the entire Mississippi River that divides the Confederacy. This battle cut off a supply route of the Confederacy. This, along with Gettysburg, were two major turning points of the war. The plan weakened the Confederacy and aided the Union side heavily.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    President Abrahman Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address at the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg. The moving speech was one of the most well known in history.The heartfelt speech described the sacrifice of the soldiers. The speech was about the bloodiest battle of the Civil War and one of the most widely known moments.
  • Lee surrenders

    Lee surrenders
    Robert E Lee surrenders to Grant in Virginia. This marks the end of the Civil War. After a multitude of losses, the Confederacy ran out of resources. This is also the beginning of a unionized America.
  • Lincoln is killed

    Lincoln is killed
    Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was a major conflict in the beginning of the Civil War, and his death was a blow to the winning Union. He did not regain consciousness after being shot and died the same day. This event showed leftover remnants of bitter southern sympathizers that still remained.
  • Slavery is abolished

    Slavery is abolished
    The 13th Amendment is raitfied. This made involuntary or forced servitude illegal in the United States. After the Emancipation Proclamation was made, they put an Amendmant in the Constitution. The law prohibited slavery which was a leading factor in the Civil War.