Was the civil war inevitable

Civil War

  • The LIberator is Published

    The LIberator is Published
    Published by William Llyoyd Garrison, a U.S abolitionist, was a great statement for anti Slavery times. It was one of the most influentaul anti slavery newspaper before the civil war.
  • Comprimise of 1850 passed

    This comprimise settles the line between slave states and free states.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is Published
    Published by Harriot B Stowe helped lay the ground work for the civil war to start. It was about how the blacks lived before and during the civil war.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act Passed

    It let people decide if they wanted slavery in a states.Or at least vote if they wanted it.
  • John Brown Raid at Harper's Ferry

    This raid scared the southeners because they thought the slaves would revolt against them.
  • Abe Lincoln Elected President

    Lincoln beat Doughlass but people were not happy about this because he wanted to change slavery.
  • States started to secede to the South

    Many were upset with Lincoln winning the electio for president , so states started to secede to the south during this time.
  • Battle at Fort Sumter

    This battle was the start of the Civil war because other states seceded later too. And thats how the war began.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    The battle not that long but showed how long this war will be. With the North retreating first and the South winning.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    This was a major battle that lost 23,000 men in it.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Not much about this battle but that it was fought in the south.
  • Battle at Fredricksburg

    Robert E. Lee of North Virgina and the army of Potomac fought on futile Union lines.
  • Emcipation Proclimation Presented

    The proclimation made slaves in the south all be freed with an executive order.
  • Battle at Chancellorville

    This battle lost 30,500 troops in this major battle and principle engagement.
  • Battle At Vicksburg

    Vicksburg was the last Confederate Stronghold on the Mississippi River in the South therefor capturing it would take it, they would suceed in there plan.
  • Battle at Gettyburg

    The most important battle of the war that turned the tides, and showed the Union were winning.
  • Sherman March to the Sea

    Also known as the Savanah Campain was a conducted military campain in Georgia.
  • South surrenders at Approattox Courthouse

    This was the last battle of the Cvil war to end the war forever.