Ft. Sumter
Confederates fire on and capture the Union held Fort Sumter in South Carolina, starting the Civil War. -
First Battle of Bull Run
Lincoln ordered an invasion of Virginia to take the rebel capital of Richmond. He failed and was forced to take the South seriously. -
Battle of Antietam
The union forces went on attack at Antietam Creek and they fought all day. It was the single most bloody day in American history, but a Northern victory. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the rebel states are now free. -
Formation of the 54th Mass
This was the reason black people were allowed to start serving in the military. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
This was the last battle for the Mississippi river it was won by the North and they gained the River. -
Battle of Gettysburg
This battle was fought in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and was won by the Union -
New York City Draft Riots
People of New York city riot against drafting people to war. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
General Sherman goes through and burns down several cities from Georgia to the Sea. -
Gettysburg Address
A speech given by President Lincoln prior to the battle at Gettysburg. He is honoring the fallen people at the battle field. -
Congress Passes the 13th Amendment
An amendment abolishing slavery, prohibiting involuntary servitude, and nullifying the Fugitive slave act and the 3/5 compromise -
Creation of Freedman's Bureau
A government organization that helped freed slaves. They looked for family members and helped educate. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater. Lincoln dies the next day in a house across the street. -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
General Lee surrenders ending the war and Southern hopes. -
End of Reconstruction
Rutherford B Hayes was elected president. He withdrew the last federal troops. Ended Reconstruction. -
14th Amendment
All people born in the U.S. were citizens and had the same rights. Blacks can vote. -
15th Amendment
Citizens can't be stopped from "voting on account of race or color." -
Supreme Court Case Plessy vs. Ferguson
Plessy goes to court. Court ruled segregation was not against the constitution. Separate, but equal.