Civil War

By seb8711
  • Winter Quarters

    Winter Quarters
    CampsJesse S Wilkerson is in Little Rock Arkansas and has set up for a harsh winter. He wants to hear from home but nobody has mailed him recently.
  • News about Pines Bluff

    News about Pines Bluff
    BattleOctober 25 1863 News that Pine Bluff was attacked. Rebels driven back and 60 of the union died. Jesse is near Little Rock Arkansas.
  • Money and Tidings.

    Money and Tidings.
    MoneyJessie sends money to his wife since she is poor. Jesse is in camp Mclenin Iowa.
  • Regiment will move

    Regiment will move
    Civil warJesse wishes his wife farewell as his regiment will be on the move and will not be able to recieve mail. Jesse's Regiment is leaving a camp near Nashville Tennesee;.
  • Skirmishes

    SkirmishesJesse's regiment had a fight with some rebels and some had died or have been wounded. Jesse is near Nashville Tennesee.
  • Bad Weather

    Bad Weather
    John Bell HoodJesse talks about how it has been cold and rainy, it is now very muddy at the camp. His regiment will leave as soon as they defeat John Bell Hood.
  • Sickness

    [Sickness]( got sick with dysteria and fears for his life. He is posted near Cotland Alabama.
  • Provisions

    ProvisionsJesse's troop is running out of food and needs to be supplied. Jesse is posted in Cotland Alabama.
  • Resupplied

    ProvisionsAmmo and food supplies are renewed. Near Nashville Tennesse.
  • Cattle

    CowsJesse wants his brother to sell his cows for money. His brother dosn't have alot of money.
  • Steamboat

    SteamboatsJesse's regiment is riding to Bufort North Carolina. The river was icy and it will take 3 days to go there.
  • Sick again

    Sick again
    SicknessJesse is writing to his vrother telling him he has a cold but is other wise alright. Jesse's regiment is going to be moved by railroad soon and will not be able to recieve mail.
  • Smoked Yankees

    Smoked Yankees
    Smoked YankeesJesse state that the smoked yankees (african americans) are everything they need, good fighter, full of spirit, and they believe that the union will win.
  • Troop movements

    Troop movements
    Troop MovementsJesse is going to move to the frontlines near Goldesborogh North Carolina soon. There is no news about a rebel force but Jesse may join General Shermans army soon.
  • Battles

    BattlesJesse has been traveling to Newberne and last nighthis regiment had skermishes with the rebels. Some rebels retreated the rest were killed or captured.
  • Citations

    citations Citations
  • Feelings