The Liberator Goes Into Pint
The newspaper called "The liberator" was published by William Lloyd . He was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts. -
Compromise of 1850 passed
Henry Clay Senator introduced a series of revolutions on January 29, 1850 Fugitive Slave act was a part of the comprise. Washington D.C was abolished. -
Uncle Toms Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was published on 3/20/1852 this novel sold over 300,000 copies and President Lincoln read it and said "so this is the little lady who started this big war. -
Battle of Shilon
This battle was fought from April 6, to April 7, 1852 it occurred in Harden country southern Tennessee. -
Kansas Nebraska Act Passed
The Kansas Nebraska Act was passed by the U.S congress in 1853 30th of March they did not want to allow slavery this act served to repeal the Missouri compromise. -
James Buchanan Sworn Into Office.
Was our 15th president from 1857-1861 during his tenure seven Southern states were succeeded from the union and the nation was teetered on the brink of the Civil War. -
Dred Scott Decision
On march 6th 1857 Supreme Court decides Dred Scott's case that he should be a free man. Sanford was issued 11, long years after the initial suits -
Johns Brown raid on Harpers Ferry
He tryed to steal weapons from the weapon arsenal. So then he could arm the slaves for the revolt then was soon hanged. -
President Lincoln elected as president
President Lincoln was elected president on March 12, 1809 he taught himself to read and right and also participated in the civil war and was assassinated on -
South Carolina Succeed From the Union
South Carolina was adopted on December 20, This stat also became the first slave state in the South. -
Battle of Shiloh
This was a battle in the Western Theater of the American Civil, War it was fought in Tennessee -
Battle of Fort Sumter
It was a Fort that was attacked on April, 12 1861 to April 13, 1861 it was the First battle of the American Civil War. -
Battle of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run also known as the first battle of the Civil War was fought on July 21, 1861 in Prince William county Virginia just north of the city of Mananas and about 25 miles west -
Battle of Antietam
It was one of the bloodiest battles and it ended with a great Union Victory. Then President Lincoln was able to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. -
Battle of Fredricks Burg
The battle lasted the 11 to the 15th there were over 18,000 people wounded, killed, or MIA and the Confederate Won. -
c Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was the 95th executive order issued by President Lincoln. -
Battle at Chancellorsville
This battle was on of the major battles of the Civil War also the principal engagement of the campaign of Chancellorsville. -
Battle at Gettysburg
This was also a major battle of the Civil War it was fought for 2 days it was fought in the town of Gettysburg. -
Sherman March to Sea
This was a Military Campaign in the Civil War were conducted through Georgia it was fought from November 15, to December 21, 1864. -
South Surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse
The battle was fought in the morning and it was also one of the last battle of the bloody Civil War.