Fort Sumter
Confederates fires on and capture the union held, Fort Sumter, in South Carolina, starting the civil war. -
First Battle of Bull Run
The First major battle of the civil war. The citizens brought picknics to watch the battle. -
Battle of Antietam
The single most bloody battle in American history. It lasted about 12 hours. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation freed all the slaves of the states in rebellion. It was a military action, so this would not be permanent. -
Formation of 54th Mass
The 54th of Massachusetts was an all black regiment. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The turning point of the war. Heavy casualties were inflicted on both sides. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
This battle marked the completion of the Anaconda plan. The Union gained control of the Missouri river, spliting the Confederate States of America in 2. -
New York City Draft Riots
The Union drafted men into the war. There were riots that started because of the drafts. -
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln's famous 271 word speech addressing the Battle of Gettysburg. -
Sherman's March to the Sea Starts
Sherman's March to the Sea was total war, meaning that anything that supported the military was destroyed. -
Sherman's March to the Sea Ends
3100 people died during the March to the Sea -
Congress Passes the 13th Amednment
The 13th amendment officially abolished slavery in the Union -
Creation of Freedman's Bureau
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
This is where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant. Ironicaly, this happened at the same person's house that the First battle of Bull Run was fought at. -
Abraham Lincoln's Murder
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
End of Reconstruction
Supreme Court Case Plessy vs Ferguson