Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was an effort by the U.S.Senate and House of Rpresentitives to main a balance of power between the slaveholding states and the free states. The Northern States opposed the Missouri Compromise because they felt that the South had too much pwoer already, and the South were extremly upset by the Missouri Compromise because they relied on slaves for their economy. -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was an amendment to a funding bill that banned slavery in any territory the USA acquired from Mexico in the Mexican-American War or any territory in the Mexican Cession.The South wwere very upset and some of the North were happy. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was a series of five bills that were intended to stave off sectional strife and its goal was to deal with the spreading of slavery to territories in order to keep the North and South interests at balance. The North responded by -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansa-Nebraska Act was a document allowing people in the territories Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery in their borders and the act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery northof latitude 36 degrees 30. The North were extremely upset with the Kansas-Nebraska Act because they considered the Missouri compromise to be a long-standing binding agreement, while the South supported the Kansa-Nebraska Act. -
The Battle of First Bull Run
The Battle of First Bull Run was the first major battle of the Civil War because the Union and Confederate army both realized that the Civil war would last a long time because the North wanted to end slavery because some white men wanted to keep their jobs, abolitionists were against slavery and knew that all men are created equally and should be treated equally. The South felt that they wre higher than African Americans and that African-Americans were lower than they were and should be treated. -
The battle of shiloh
The Battle of Shiloh was fought near Pittsburg landing on the Tennessee River. The battle was won by the Confederates who were extremely confident of themselves and the North were very upset and even more discouraged. -
Seven Days' battle
The seven days' battle was a series of battles that lasted for seven days. The Union soldiers were almost broken and the Confederate soldiers ended up winning the battle. -
The Battle of Second Bull Run
The Battle of Second Bull Run was fought at Warrenton Turnpike and was won by the Confederates were sure they were going to win the Civil War and the North were nearly crushed. -
The Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam was the single day most bloddiest single- day battle in U.S. history because about 23,000 soldiers that day. The North lost aboutless soldiers than the South did that day. -
The Battle of Vicksburg
The Battle of Vicksburg was a siege of the city of Vicksburg by Union General Ulysses S. Grant's army and lasted for 47 days while shelling the entire city and many people starved because no supplies could come in or out, and the Confederate soldiers finaly gave up and Mississippii controled by the Union. The Confederate army was cut in half. General Ulysses S. Grant then gave everyone in Vicksburg and his army food after the siege was over. -
The Wade-Davis Bill
The Wade-Davis Bill stated that a state had to meet two conditions before it could rejoin the Union. First, it had two ban slavery and second, a majority of adult males had to take the loyalty oath. Under the Wade Davis Bill,only southerners who swore that they had never supported they had never supported the Confederacy could vote or hold office.The South weren't happy and the North were trying to pass the bill. -
Freedman's Bureau
Freedman's Bureau was an agency providing relief not only for freedpeople and certain poor people, but white soldiers as well. The Bureau helped freedpeople and poor people by providing supplies and medical services, establishing schools, supervising contracts between freedspeople and employers, and taking care or lands abandoned or captured during the war.Southerners were against the teaching to African-Americans and the North were the ones supporting the Freedman's Bureau.