Abraham Lincoln Elected President
Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of the United States over a deeply divided Democratic Party, becoming the first Republican to win the presidency. -
South Carolina Secedes
Mississippi Secedes
Florida Secedes
Alabama Secedes
Georgia Secedes
Louisiana Secedes
Texas Secedes
Fort Donelson and Fort Henry
Fort Sumter
Period: to
Fort Sumter
Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers
Virginia Secedes
Arkansas Secedes
North Carolina Secedes
Tennessee Secedes
1st Manassas (1st Bull Run)
McClellan Becomes Commander
Robert E. Lee becomes commander
Merrimac vs. Monitor
Battle of Shiloh
Pope becomes commander
2nd Manassas
Sharpsburg (Antietam)
Burnside becomes commander
Seige of Petersburg
Atlanta Captured
Battle of Nashville
13th Amendment
Lee Surrenders
Lincoln Assassinated
Joseph E. Johnson Surrenders