Civil Rights Timeline

  • Brown VS. Board of Education

    Instated that separate but equal was not justice for many groups of people including the disability community. This enforced that students with disabilities should not be segregated in schools from other students.
  • Addison's Parents Where Born

  • War On Poverty

    As a part of the "War on Poverty" under Lyndon B Johnson, Johnson passed the Elementary and Secondary education Act which allocated funding and resources to children in poverty. This was in an effort to also support children with disabilities who were in poverty. Certain programming and schools now had federal support to support under-resourced students who had disabilities.
  • Very First Super Bowl

  • Congressional Investigation

    This was an effort to find out how many students and children with disabilities were not being served by school districts and programming. This resulted in finding that 1.75 students with disabilities were not even attending school, this jarring outcome served as a catalyst for future school legislation for students with disabilities.
  • Section 504 Rehabilitation Act Passed

    This Act prohibited discrimination toward individuals with disabilities who receive federal funding through programming. For example, employers can not deny program or employee benefits to an individual with a disability.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    This act protected states' responsibility to provide resources to every infant, toddler, and child with a disability. This held states and local agencies accountable for providing educational opportunities to children, as up to this point they were often denied.
  • The Breakfast Club Came Out

  • Handicapped Children’s Protection Act

    This was passed during Reagan's presidency to give parents a role in their child's education in the hopes of better support. This Act specifically gives families the opportunity to be a part of the IEP-making process, for example being a stakeholder in meetings
  • Disabilities Education Act

    The Education for all Handicapped Children's Act became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The key change was that students with disabilities would receive the same curriculum, as well as the authority to expand the developmental delay through most of the elementary school. This allowed for greater support for these students affected.
  • Elizabeth Was Born

  • Inidividuals with Disabilites Education Improvement Act of 2004

    By reauthorizing IDEA, Congress created greater accountability for schools to improve special education outcomes in reading, intervention, and research-based instruction. This act provided education to meet students' unique needs and prepare children for their future. this also protected both children with disabilities' rights and their parent's.
  • Taylor Swift Came Out With Her First Album

  • Addison and Elizabeth Graduated High School