Civil rights timeline

  • Formation of united farm workers

    Formation of united farm workers
    Founded by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerts to help farmers get better work environments and pay.
  • Trail of broken treaties

    Trail of broken treaties
    In 1962 the trail of broken treaties was a series of protests for living standards, bad housing, and treaty rights in general.
  • Roe Vs Wade

    Roe Vs Wade
    Roe vs Wade was a case that went to the Supreme Court in 1963. It ruled that the privacy clause in the constitution coverd a woman’s right to abortion. However, it had to balance with the states regulations.
  • Equal pay

    Equal pay
    The euqal pay act of 1963 addressed difference in pay between men and women. The act was passed by JFK and made it illegal to pay women less than men for the same jobs.
  • California grape boycott

    California grape boycott
    The grape boycott was centered around Mexicans and Filipinos working together. They started a strike against grape farmers due to poor conditions and low wage. Around 1970 things were improving
  • N.O.W.

    The national organization for women was formed in 1966. The organization fought against sexism and for women’s rights with protests and demonstrations all over.
  • Brown Berets

    Brown Berets
    Founded by David Sanchez the berets fought for public schools, bad health care and job opportunity, and poor political representation. They also fought to stop police harassment and against Vietnam.
  • American Indian movement

    American Indian movement
    The Indian American movement was to help with spiritual issues and things like police hassasment and racism forcing natives off their land.
  • The Chicano blowouts

    The Chicano blowouts
    The blowouts were protests held by Los Angelos unified school students. The primary reason for the protests was for better school conditions and to make school an equal place for all.
  • Stonewall riots

    Stonewall riots
    The stonewall riots of 1969 were a result of police using force on people in a gay club. This helped shed light on the gay rights movement and discrimination in the LGBTQ community.
  • Occupation of Alcatraz

    Occupation of Alcatraz
    In the late 1960’s native Americans had taken over Alcatraz while it wasn’t being used. They claimed it was a part of their culture. They were ultimately removed from the land.
  • La Raza Unida

    La Raza Unida
    The La Raza party was formed by Mexican Americans in Texas. They focused on labor laws, education, and sexism for minorities in America.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    The Equal Rights Amendment of 1972 made it illegal to deny rights based on gender. The amendment was to end distinction between men and women.
  • Siege at wounded knee

    Siege at wounded knee
    The siege at wounded knee was Indian Americans took over the town. They were upset the US wasn't keeping treaties and were tying to drive out their tribal leader. They were trying to get the government to hold up on future treaties.
  • Murder of Harvey Milk

    Murder of Harvey Milk
    Harvey Milk was elected onto the San Francisco board of supervisors as the first openly gay elect. He helped to make many laws regarding sexual orientation. He was murdered by Dan White.
  • Phyllis Schalafly/ERA

    Phyllis Schalafly/ERA
    Phyllis Schalafly fought against the ERA because she believed it would change values. She thought it would negatively affect society and she beat the ERA in 1982.
  • Indian Gaming Reg Act

    Indian Gaming Reg Act
    This act put the basic details around Indian gaming. Before there were no rules around it and still many cases have reached the supreme court.
  • Murder of Matthew Shephard

    Murder of Matthew Shephard
    Matthew Shepard was gay student at the University of Wyoming. He was beaten and died six days later due to head injury. This shed more light on issues that the LGBTQ community face in America.
  • Don't ask don't tell

    Don't ask don't tell
    The don't ask don't tell act disallows gay and bisexual people to serve in the military. If they wished to serve they had to keep their sexual orientation from everyone. The repeal of this act ended the discrimination and allowed them to be open.
  • Obergefell vs Hodges

    Obergefell vs Hodges
    The case of Obergefell vs Hodges made same sex marriage legal in America. Same sex marriage is now recognized just like any marriage.