13th amendment
the 13th amendment was very important beacuse it did away with slavery which meant that there were alot of freed slaves that were also unemployeed -
14th amendment equal protection
the the 14th amendment is super important beacuse that as an amendment adresses the rights for us as citizens and the equal protection of the laws -
15th amendment
if the states had the power to deny people the right to vote they would just be deny people left and right that is why the 15th amrendment is so important beacuse it protects you from that -
the jim crow laws were racist laws put in place to separate the whites from the blacks this laws were put in place basically once slavery ended -
literacy test
the literacy test was important beacuse it was a another way for the states to try andd keep black people from voteing -
this case was a landmark case in history beacuse it started the seprate but equal doctrine -
the 19th amendment
the 19th amendment was important beacuse it stopped people from not being able to vote based on there sex -
sweat v. painter is a trademark in histroy beacuse it was the first case to succesfully challange the separate but equal doctrine -
this case was super important beacuse it was when the suptreme court decieded that separate schools for blacks and whites was unconstutional -
the ruby briges era
ruby bridges is important beacuse she was the first black student to go to an all white school now this was right after they introduced the law about no segreateing schools -
the rosa parks era also known as the montgomery bus boycott
back in the 1950s when you got on the bus there was colored restriction that basically said that all colored folks must sit in the back of the bus and if a white persom got on the bus and there was no more seats then a colored person must get up. now alot of colored people and even some white people didnt think this was fair but they were to scared to do anything about it.but one person by the name of rosa parks challeged that law by refuseing to give up her seat which lead to the bus boycott -
affirmative action
afirmative action is good beacuse it stops discrimination against people beacuse of there race,sex,gender,color -
stop the taxes/24th amendment
before the 24th amendment was put in place there was a poll tax which made it harder for certain low class people to vote. and the goverment didnt like that so they passed a law which did away with the poll tax and made it so everyone can vote that is why this amendment is so important -
voteing rights act of 1965
the voteing rights act is a key part in history beacuse it stopped racial discrimnation in voteing -
robert kennedy speech in indianapolis upon death of MLK
robert kennedy was supose to be giveing a rouseing speech about his campaign but when he found out that martin luther king had just died he ended up giveing one of the best heart felt speeches in history -
before reed v. reed women were not set equal to men women were being discrimnated against all the time exspecailly in the work place that is why this case is so important -
regents of the unversity of carolina v. bakke
the court case was important beacuse the courts decieded that the colleges had to be fair and that they could not discrinate becuse of race and they couldnt put aside seats -
equal rights amendment
the equal rights amendment was very important in history beacuse it gaurenteed equal rights for women which opened up a lot of doors -
bowers v. hardwick
this case was a very important case beacuse it decieded that homosexuals have the right to have sex in private -
poll taxes
poll taxes were taxes put on the voteing rights to make it harder for poeple to vote -
americans with disablitys act (ADA)
the ADA is important beacuse it stops america from discrimnateing against people wtih disablitys of any kind -
lawerence v. texas
this was important beacuse it made sam sex intercourse legal in all states and territorys which was good for the gays -
indiana gay rights battle
on june 25tth 2014 the supreme court struck down indiana ban on gay rights saying that it voliates th constitution -
civil rights act of 1964
the civil rights act is a landmark pieace of history beacuse it out lawed the discrimation aganist someone based on race,color,religion or sex