Declaration of Independence
Asserted independence from England, allowed the colonists to go to war and fight for their rights as people and individuals. -
Seneca Falls Convention
First womens rights convention -
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery, allowing those of color to be protected under the law, even though their rights were still limited. -
14th Amendment
A law that gaurantees the rights of all people, with no descimination.. -
15th Amendment
All people are allowed to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. -
Colorado first state to grant womens voting rights
Women could vote in Colorado before the 19th amendment. -
Plessy vs Ferguson
Plessy attempted to ride in a white only train car and was removed and fined. Within the case he was protected under the equal protection clause. -
NAACP Founded
Provided anti lynching laws, worked to protect african americans. -
19th Amendment
The right to vote is finally given to women. -
Executive Order 10450
No discrimination for jobs based on sexual orientation or race or gender in the government. -
Brown vs Board of Education
Ended racial segragation in schools -
One, Inc. vs Olesen
Free speech for homosexuals. -
Illinois repeals sodomy laws
Laws banning homosexual acts are repealed. -
24th Amendment
No taxes should be enforced on voting/polls in order to ensure all citizens can contribute. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Outlawed discrimination of voting rights. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Enforces the Civil Rights Act of 1964, outlawed tests for voting, etc. -
Stonewall Riots
Gay support groups formed, LGBT activists took action to protect their rights. -
Title IX
Prohibits dsicrimination of sex in education. -
APA removes Homosexuality as a mental disorder
Homosexuality is not a mental disorder nor caused from extreme cirumstances. -
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Gays in the military could not serve openly as their sexual orientation until 2010. -
Don't Ask Don't Tell Repealed
Gays and Lesbians can serve openly in the military -
Defense of Marriage Act
Denying same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.