Civil Rights Pictorial timeline

  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    Abolished slavery everywhere in the united states. This was the first step in getting African Americans to get the same rights under the constitution that the white people get
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    Rights of citizenship, due process of law, and equal protection of the law. The 14th amendment has become one of the most used amendments in court to date regarding the equal protection clause.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    Ratified in 1970 this law granted African Americans to vote in the United states. This was significant because it allowed people of color to be able to have a say and a public opinion on who should be leading the United states
  • Tuskegee Institute created

    Tuskegee Institute created
    This was an institute that was founded and run by Booker T Washington and Lewis Adams. one of the first historically black colleges and was a college that Provide students with academic and vocational training and classes
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    This was a cause of an incident in 1892 where Homer Plessy, an african american train passenger refused to sit in the car for colored people. This court case basically constitutionallity of racial segregation. showed that there was still racism and more had to be done to get fully equal treatment.
  • NAACP created

    NAACP created
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
    This was made to ensure the equal treatment of colored people by making sure they keep and retain the same political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights for them stay and are equal to those of the white people and that racial segregation is fought
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Ratified in 1920 this right granted women the right to vote and this allowed women to be able to express their political opinion and have a fair say in who is running the country and who the president of the united states is
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    This order was signed by Harry S. Truman was made to desegregate armed forces and allowed blacks and whites to fight together and not as seperate groups in war
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This was a supreme court case that brought about the integration of schools. This was a court case that was made so that there wouldn't be racially segregated schools and that the schools should allow both whites and blacks in every school
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    This was a protest where African Americans would refuse to ride the city buses in Montgomery as a demonstration against segregation.
    this was the first large scale demonstrations against segregation and it made many other African Americans to start fighting against segregation
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed
    Established by Martin Luther King Jr, this was a large scale organization to coordinate and assist local organizations working for the full equality of African Amaricans to make them fully equal to the white people
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    Became a big part in the fight for equel opportunity in racial segregation by daring to challege public schools segregation by enrolling at the all white central high school in 1957. This helped and fight against racial segregation in schools
  • Period: to

    Chicano Movement (Mural Movement)

    The movement was a movement to spread awareness and to end racial discrimination and create better education and working conditions for Mexican Americans. they would create many murals and pieces of art all around towns and cities telling people they are not the minorities and that they deserve to be treated fairly
  • Dr. King’s: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

    Dr. King’s: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
    A letter written by MLKJ that was a letter explaining how why they want their rights and telling them that they want these rights and they will continue to fight for them as long as they can
  • March on Washington: “I have a dream” speech

    March on Washington: “I have a dream” speech
    where MLKJ and 250000 other activists marched on washington and he had a speech that would majorly fight against descrimination describing a dream that he has where whites and colored can be as one and not separated by the color of their skin but by there character
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    Twenty-fourth Amendment, amendment (1964) to the Constitution of the United States that prohibited the federal and state governments from imposing poll taxes before a citizen could participate in a federal election.
  • March from Selma, Alabama

    March from Selma, Alabama
    They would march from selma to montgomery as a demonstration of their constitutional rights and this march would eventually lead to the voting rights act
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    This gave African Americans full right to vote under law and to be able to overcome any obstacles that might hinder that right to vote. this would allow blacks to be able to have a political impact and have greater control on who runs the country
  • American Indian Movement (AIM)

    American Indian Movement (AIM)
    This was to preserve and protect the rights for american Indians and fight against discrimination and would fight to maintain and keep the land that rightfully belongs to them and allow them to live there lives and have there traditions without the fear of others taking there land and culture away from them
  • MLK assassinated

    MLK assassinated
    MLK was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee; he was shot down and killed. This shocked the whole world as he made such an impact.