Little Rock Nine Crisis
in 1954 President Eisenhower sent the US military to make sure the Little Rock nine could go to a wight school and be safe they were the first 9 African Americans that went to a wight school -
Murder of Emmett Till
emmett was a 14 year old that was beaten and shot for talking to a white lady.and it relly started the civil rights movement -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
it was when Rosa Parks got arrested for sitting on the bus. when a white dude told her to move she didn't -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
the president sent Congress a proposal for the civil rights movement and the result was the Civil Rights Act of 1957 they wanted the injunctions against interference with the right to vote -
Greensboro Sit-In
then Greensboro Sit-In was when some guy was declined services so he sat in the corner and spread through the south a lot through the coilled towns -
Freedom Rides
they rouad a bus from DC to mis where they met Kennedy and MLK supported them they were riding their bus for 14 years before they made it unf national attention -
Albany Campaign
the Albany Campaign was where there were large protests to get all the cities to be public for everyone. not just their schools -
Birmingham Movement
the Birmingham Movement was a big campaign to put pressure on Birmingham and the cops got involved and pushed them back. -
Mississippi Freedom Summer
African Americans in Mississippi were trying to get freedom for freedom schools freedom housing, freedom libraries, and a collective rise in awareness of voting rights