
Civil Rights in the United States Timeline

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th amendment officially outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.
  • 14th Amendment

    The 14th amendment was considered one of the reconstruction amendments. It includes three clauses : the citizenship, due process, and equal protection.
  • 15th Amendment

    The 15th amendment provents each government of the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    There was to be racial segregation in public but in returm must be equal.
  • 19th Amendment

    The 19th amendment prohibits to have any citizen denied the right to vote based on sex.
  • Executive Order of 1948

    Executive Order of 1948
    In the armed forces, segregation was abolished.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    It was declared that it was unconstitutional to have an all white and all colored school.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    It was started after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus and was arrested. Which caused African Americans to not take the bus as transportation to prove their point.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    Rosa Parks was confronted my a white male and was asked to move so he could sit even though she was sitting in her correct seat. She refused to move and was arrested for this act.
  • Civil Rights Act (1957)

    Eisenhower signed this act to give voting privelages to the colored.
  • 24th Amendment

    The 24th amendment prohibited both congress and the state from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax(or other taxes).
  • Civil Rights Act (1964)

    Major forms of discrimination were outlawed against African Americans and women.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Discrimination of certain voting practices were responsible for the spread of disenfranchisement of African Americans in the United States.
  • Civil Rights Act (1968)

    Regardless of color, race,nationa orgin, creed it provided equal and housing opportunities.