Civil Rights For People With Disabilities

  • Period: to

    People With Disabilities Movement

  • Edward Verne Roberts fights for support from UC Berkeley

    Edward Verne Roberts fights for support from UC Berkeley
    -polio survivor who attended UC Berkeley at a time when schools could legally refuse to admit the disabled.
    -started the "Rolling Quads"
    -Pressured Berkeley to become more accessible and to fund support services so that they could attend classes while living independently
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  • American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities 10-city "sit in"

    American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities 10-city "sit in"
    -ACCD created in 1970
    -Sit in to persuade president Jimmy Carter's administration to implement a four-year-old law protecting the rights of people with disabilities.
    -When no change occurred, hundreds of people joined in "sit ins" across the US in HEW buildings
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  • U.S. rehabilitation act of 1973 including section 504

    U.S. rehabilitation act of 1973 including section 504
    -first major legislative effort to secure an equal playing field for individuals with disabilities.
    -section 504: law that bans discrimination against the disabled under employers and organizations that gain federal financial assistance.
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  • Passage of Public Law 94.142

    Passage of Public Law 94.142
    -aka The Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
    -insured that kids with and without disabilities would be allowed to learn together.
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  • Judy Heumann

    Judy Heumann
    Main leader in fighting for people with disabilities.
    -diagnosed with polio at a young age
    -organized the group Disabled in Action (DIA)
    -started the World Institute on Disability (WID)
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  • Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990

    Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990
    This Act outlawed discrimination outlawed discrimination in employment, public accommodations,State and local government, commercial facilities, telecommunications, and transportation.
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  • Major Accomplishments

    Major Accomplishments
    -Broadening the spectrum of opportunities for the disabled to participate in their community
    -Balanced access to technology for all
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  • Struggles for Employment in the Disabled Today

    Struggles for Employment in the Disabled Today
    Still today people with disabilities struggle to find a steady job that can support them throughout their life.
    -the percentage of working-age people with disabilities in the labor force is about one-third that of persons with no disability.
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  • Children with Disabilities being Bullied Today

    Children with Disabilities being Bullied Today
    Today children and teens with disabilities continue to be bullied by their peers.
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