14 Amendment
This this amendment gave us equal rights and citizenships. It also abolished slavery -
Jim Crow Laws
Laws that enforceday segregation in the south around the 1960s. Simply, a white man could not shake hands live around or even use the same bathroom as a black man -
Brown vs. Board of Education
Was a Supreme court case that happened in 1954 that they decided to be unconstitutional. This orignal court case started as 5 separate cases -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
A lady by the name Rosa Parks refused to give her sit up to a white man. She was arrested and got fined. -
Chicano Movement
This movements goal was to extend Mexican-American civil rights and to be civil and equal. -
Civil Right Act of 1964
Ended segregation in the public. Ended the discrimination for gender race and skin color. -
Black power
Is a slogan used by African Americans in the United States . This is a movement to achieve "Black power".