civil rights

  • 14th amendment

    all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens with no reside
  • 15th amendment

    the right for citizens to vote
  • 19th amendment

    the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied
  • 13th admendment

    neither slavery or punishment should exist in the United States
  • poll taxes

    a tax levied on every adult without income
  • plessy vs Ferguson

    Supreme Court that upheld racial segregation
  • civil rights act

    outlaws discrimination and racism
  • reed vs reed

    equal protection case in which the Supreme Court ruled that there can't be discriminates between sexes
  • bowers vs hardwick

    ruled that the constition does not protect the right of gay adults
  • white primaries

    elections held in the southern united states in which only white voters could participate
  • Lawerence vs Texas

    banning consenting homosexual adults