Civil Rights

  • 13th Amendment

    -Abolished most forms of slavery (except as punishment for a crime)
    -Important because it finally freed the people who had been enslaved
  • 14th Amendment

    -Granted citizenship to all people born in the U.S.
    -Important because it gave citizenship to former slaves who had been freed
  • 15th Amendment

    -Granted African American men the right to vote
    -Important because it was a step towards justice for racial inequality
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    Jim Crow Laws

    The Jim Crow Laws were laws of segregation between people of color and white people. Opposition to these laws brought about a major civil rights movement, to prove that "separate but equal" is not true equality.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    U.S. Supreme Court Case that upheld state racial segregation laws as "separate but equal
  • Mendez vs. Westminster School District of Orange County

    -Federal Court Case that challenged racial segregation in schools in Orange County, CA
  • Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

    • U.S. Supreme Court case which declared racial segregation of schools to be unconstitutional.
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    -Political protest against the policy of racial segregation in buses in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • Little Rock Nine

    -Nine black students enroll in and attend Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas
    -Landmark event following the ruling that segregation in schools is unconstitutional
  • Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream" Speech

    -MLK delivers his famous speech at the March on Washington, a massive rally for a civil rights bill.