1 month
In the first month of pregnancy the cells are containing the genetic information of both parents begin to multiply to form the embryo. -
2 month
The embryo continues growing: its organs and main systems are forming, its heart already has four cavities and it is even possible to distinguish its head, slightly larger than the rest of the body, as well as its little arms and legs. -
3 month
The mother's belly will begin to grow a bit. The nausea and vomiting that were so frequent in the previous months will begin to decrease, but instead the hormonal changes will make you feel more emotionally sensitive. -
4 month
The vomit and nauseas have disapeard in this month. The breast start to develop and also to increase the size. In this month the mom's belly will be really notorious. -
5 month
The internal organs will move to make space for the baby, while the uterus will begin to press on the bladder, so that the urge to urinate will be more frequent. At some point throughout this month the mother will feel how the baby moves inside her belly. -
6 month
Stretch marks begin to form and it is likely that the mother will notice some discomfort in the teeth, in fact, some women will bleed their gums when brushing. Also they may experience another symptom known as contractions. -
7 month
In this month they suffer some weight gain, mobility problems and a feeling of fatigue. The symptoms of the lat months will get worse. Also in this month the baby's heart will already pump blood to the body and the circulatory system will work really good. -
8 month
In this month the breasts will also have grown a lot and they will have already started producing milk. The baby is ready to go out his lungs and your digestive and renal system are ready to function outside the maternal womb. -
9 month
In this last month the hormonal changes also affect the joints making them weaker. At this moment, it is likely that the baby has already placed with the head on the pelvis waiting for the right time to be born.