civics and economics project

  • french and indian war

    A war fought between the british and french.
  • proclamation of 1763

    Issued by the british at the end of the french and inidian war to appease the native americans by checkin the encroachment on their land by the european settlers
  • sugar act/sweet act

    the sugar act was the first tax on american colonies by British parliament. the sweet in act, an act proposed tax of 1 cent per teaspoon of sugar, in order to help battle the obesity epidemic
  • quartering act

    It outlines locations and conditions in which british soldiers are to find a room and stay in american colonies.
  • Stamp act

    was the first internal act put directly on american colonist by the british parliament.
  • Townshend act

    Were acts of serious measures that taxed imported goods to american colonies
  • Boston massacre/ kent state shooting

    The boston massacre was a deadly riot that happened on king street in boston massachusetts, between the british soldier's and american colonist The kent state massacre happened in 1970 and is when the national guard opened fire on a group of college students protesting the vietnam war, 4 were killed and 9 injured
  • Tea Act

    The tea act is just one of the many taxes put on american colonies by Britain.
  • Boston tea party/ tea party protest

    The boston tea party was a political party where a group of colonist posed as mohawk indians and boarded ships at the harbor and threw tea overboard in protest of taxes. The tea party protest was a call for lower taxes from the repubican party
  • coercive act

    A series of laws passed by the british for their north american colonies
  • first continental congress

    meeting of the colonies with people that were elected from each colony elected by the people, 12 out of 13 showed up, georgia was the only one who didn't go.
  • second continental congress

    Meeting of the 13 colonies that united the american revolution.
  • common sense

    advised independence for the american colonies from Britain.
  • the shot heard around the world/ WWll

    It was refers to the opening shot of the battle of concord
    WWll was one of the deadliest wars in history, involving 30 countries and sparked the invasion of nazi's into poland