Cival War Time Line

  • Lincoln is Elected

    Lincoln is Elected
    Lincoln was from the North and opposed slavery, and the South didn't want him to be president because they were scared that he would make laws that they didn't like.
  • South Carolina Leaves the US to become a New Country

    South Carolina Leaves the US to become a New Country
    South Carolina leaves the USA. They make their own country instead of being a part of the US. In the coming months, other states do this.
  • The Confederation is created.

    The Confederation is created.
    Southern states created their own country called the Confederate States of America.
  • The civil wars starts

    The civil wars starts
    It started when the Confederacy attacked Fort Sumter.
  • Lincoln tries to stop slavery

    Lincoln tries to stop slavery
    Lincoln orders to stop slavery
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The north wins this battle but also wins and starts wining the war.
  • The civil war has ended.

    The civil war has ended.
    The Confederacy surrenders