CIS timeline

  • PSP

    I remember opening my psp on Christmas Day and just being nothing but excited! I remember playing all sorts of lego games on it. It’s crazy to me that it almost came out 20 years ago, I felt like its definitely one of my all time favorite gaming councils.
  • Sidekick

    On Christmas in 13’ I had finally gotten my first phone, and It felt like I was the coolest man on earth. It was this little sidekick that my parents had just for me in case i need to call someone for an emergency. It’s crazy to think know we all hold something so powerful in our pockets these days.
  • iPhone 4s

    I was a little late to hop on the apple train, I remember begging my mom for months to get me an iPhone. And after making the all star team for my baseball league she surprised me. I remember feeling like I had just won the lottery, I was so excited to be able to FaceTime my friends then.
  • Xbox One X

    Now this is the Xbox just before the series X, I had finally saved enough money from working a full time job while finishing high school. I had the biggest smile on my face walking into game stop being able to finally get the one thing I’ve been saving months for. I got the limited edition 2k20 Xbox and it was definitely worth saving up for.
  • iPad Pro

    For my first year of college I decided to go with the iPad Pro for my school laptop, I also purchased the magic keyboard to go with the iPad. I was so excited when it finally came in, It made actually excited to start school and use technology for an actual reason and not just for personal use.