
The time line of Mexico

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  • Mexico is founded / Independence Day

    Mexico is founded / Independence Day
    Independence Day celebrates the day Miguel Hidalgo is believed to have made the cry of independence. In the town of Dolores. This speech was used to motivate the people of Mexico to revolt.
  • Recognizing the independence of Mexico

    Recognizing the independence of Mexico
    On this day Spain signed theTreaty of Córdoba, recognizing the independence of Mexico from spain.
  • Remember the Alamo

    Remember the Alamo
    After 12 days of siege, the army Mexican undertakes the assault on El Álamo.
  • First Cinco De Mayo

    First Cinco De Mayo
    Mexican troops under General Ignacio Zaragoza successfully defended the town of Puebla on May 5, 1862, temporarily halting France's efforts to take over Mexico.
  • Benito Juárez was elected

    Benito Juárez was elected
    Benito Juárez was elected president of Mexico.
    In Mexico at this time. Mexico borrowed money from other countries and could not pay it back.
  • Withdrawal of French troops

    Withdrawal of French troops
    Napoleon III ordered The French troops to leave Mexico. By November of 1867 all French troops have left Mexico.
  • Modern Day Cinco De Mayo

    Modern Day Cinco De Mayo
    Cinco De Mayo is a very important Holiday to the Mexican people.
    Each year it is celebrated by mass gatherings in town square and a reading of the heros of Cinco de Mayo.