Church Reform and Crusades

By abuffum
  • 800

    Charlemagne's Coronation

  • Period: 900 to 999

    Church Power and Wealth Grows

  • Period: 900 to 999

    Problems and Corruption in Church Increase

    As bishops and were often appointed by kings and priests and bishops sometimes bought their positions, many people within the clergy were not following Christ's example. Priests were often uneducated and/or had "wives" and families. Bishops and popes generally had political or economic priorities.
  • Period: 950 to 1050

    Cluny Starts Reform Movement to End Corruption

    Simony and marriage were forbidden in the Church hierarchy. Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture and declared all kings and emperors must bow to him.
  • 1054

    Great Schism

  • 1066

    Battle of Hastings

  • 1075

    Henry IV vs. Pope Gregory VIII

  • 1095

    Pope Urban's Speech

  • 1147

    Second Crusade

  • 1189

    Third Crusade

  • 1204

    Fourth Crusade