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Church History

  • 5 BCE

    Start of Apostolic Age

    the beginning of Apostolic Age
  • Period: 5 BCE to 590

    Ancient period

  • 33

    Beginning of Church (Acts 2:38)

  • 156

    Death of Polycarp

  • 165

    Justin Martyr Martyrdom

  • 180

    End of Pax Romano

  • 311

    Period of Toleration

  • 312

    Conversion of Constantine

  • 313

    Etic of Molen

  • 325

    Council of Nicaea

  • 380

    Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome

  • 430

    Death of Augustine

  • 481

    Franks Settle in North

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

  • Period: 590 to 1500

    Medieval Period

  • Period: 590 to 1050

    Rise of the Papacy

  • 622

    Beginning of Islam

  • 1000

    Rise of University

  • Period: 1050 to 1294

    Era of Absolute Papacy

  • 1054

    The Great Schism

  • 1076

    Gregory Excommunicated Henry

  • 1198

    Pope Innocent III takes office

  • 1291

    Swiss Confederation

  • Period: 1294 to 1517

    Decline of the Papacy/Signs of the reformation

  • 1384

    Death of John Wycliff

  • 1483

    Birth of Martin Luther

  • Period: 1500 to

    Modern Period

  • 1509

    Birth of John Calvin

  • 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

  • 1519

    The Plague

  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

  • 1522

    Affair of the Sausages

  • 1523

    Second Disputation

  • 1523

    First Disputation

  • 1525

    Third Disputation

  • 1534

    Henry's Act of Supremacy

  • 1536

    William Tyndale Death

  • 1539

    Six Articles Passed

  • 1539

    Printing of the English Bible

  • Death of Elizabeth the Great

  • Pilgrims Land in America

  • Execution of Charles