The Fall Of Jeruseluem 70AD
The jews refused to follow roman traditions, so the romans took over Jeruselum, forcing the jews and christians to run away.
This forced the Church to stand on its own two feet and establish a canon, episcopy, and creeds. -
Council of Nicea 325AD
The council was called to determine if Jesus was created by God or if they are the same being.
This established the God and Jesus were the same being. -
Council of Chalcedon 451AD
The council was called to determine if Jesus was full God, fully man, or both.
The council desides that Jesus is both fully God and man -
Benedict's Rule 530AD
This was a book that told the monks how to live there lives.
It grew the spirtual side of christianity, but the works side diminished. -
Jan 1, 1054
Thhe Great Schism 1054AD
This was the first official split in the church. After the schism the crusades would take place and only further drive a wedge between Catholicism and Eastorn Orthodoxy. -
Jan 1, 1521
The Diet of Worms 1521
martin Luther would not recant on his writings in front of the emperor and others gathered at worms
these writings changed the Christian faith because they were a powerful reassurance of grace specifically of grace communicated through the self-giving life and the sacrificed death of Jesus Christ
the splitting of the church and religious war
leads to the protestant reformation and catholic counter-reformation
the start of the modern Evangelical Church -
The Edinburgh Missionaries Confrence 1910
lalalala -
Coronation of Charlemagne 800AD
The Pope crowned Charlegmagne, and this created tension in the church.
This showed how much power the pope had.