The Old Regime
The French Revolution
The French revolution was a social and politic conflict, on which people fought against the Old Regime, that start with the self-proclamation of the third state as a National Assembly in 1789. -
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was the process of economic, social and tecnological transformation that started in UK and then moved to the est part of Europe that finished between 1820 and 1840 -
The Imperialism
The Imperialism is a reationship between countries that is based in superiority that means the extention of autority over a state or town over another. -
First World War
The first world war started because of the murder of the Astro-Hungarian archduke Francisco Fernando, there were conflicts between Serbia and Germany and little by little other countries that had a relationship with Serbia or Germany enter in the conflict in order to help. -
The Interwar Period
This period was a represented as a period of significant changes worldwide as it was between the end of the First World War and the beginning of the Second World War. -
The Second Republic
The second republic started with the sustitution of Alfonso XIII that finished in 1939, the end of the Civil war, and giving pass to the franquism. -
Civil War
The Civil war started with the coup against the regime of the second republic, that finished in 1939 with the last war part signed by Francisco Franco, declaring his victory and establishing a dictatorship. -
The Franquism started in 1939, when the civil war finished, with Francisco Franco as the leader of this movement.
The franquism was a dictatorship that lasted from 1939 to 1975, when Franco died. -
The Second World War
The Second World War started because Germany broke the Versalles treatment and started invading other territories led by Adolf Hitler,but the URS finished with them.