Chronicle of a Death Foretold

  • 3:00

    Murder begins to be planned
  • Period: to

    Three Years Before the Murder

    Santiago's father, Ibrahim Nasar dies.
  • Day of murder

    Nasar wakes up for the bishops boat.
    This is the day of the murder.
  • Sunday Morning - Wedding

    People get ready for wedding and everyone starts to arrive
  • Santiago blamed for impurity

    Angela blames Santiago for not being a virgin
    "With Angela Vicario in the shadows" (45)
    Starts the hunt for Santiago
  • Vicario brothers go to meat market

    The vicario brothers go to the meat market and plan to murder Santiago Nasar
  • Everyone finds out

    Vacario brotherss tell everyone about their plans to kill Santiago Nasar
  • Angela blames Santiago

    Vicario twins find Angela bruised and beaten.
    She blames Santiago Nasar.
  • Vicario brothers "Sharpen their knives" at meat market

    Vicario brothers begin their attempt on Santiago
  • Nasar Buried

    Santiago Nasar buried.
    Narrator goes and mourns with Maria Alehandrina Cervantes.
    chp 4, 77
  • 6 months Before the Murder